Patch 0.3a
Tartaros Risen » Devlog
- Post Round Gold choice: 3-5 >>> 7-9
- Units stat gain from level up changed.
- Units level up cost increased.
- Leveling up an unit now only takes one click.
- The same enemy team now appear in consecutive rounds, switching every 10 rounds.
- Strengthen enemies and added new enemy.
- Levels 4 and 5 have been unlocked! All units can level up to 4 and 5.
- Angel
- DamaRes and MagiRes: 20 >>> 8/12/16
- Shield: 150/250/350 for 4 seconds >>>200/275/400 for 2 seconds
- Human rework: Humans Partner up with an ally if they are isolated in pairs from other allies. Humans grant their Partner bonus effects, and at the start of combat, Humans grant their partner a shield for 10 seconds.
- 2) 20% hp shield and 100% bonus
- 4) 30% hp shield and 115% bonus
- 6) 45% hp shield and 135% bonus
- 8) 70% hp shield and 165 % bonus
- 10) 100% hp shield and 200% bonus
- Bonus effects:
- Clara: +25% Magi
- Envy: +10% Voracity (healing based on damage dealt)
- Glint: +20% Dama
- Grace: +20% AutoSpeed
- Harmonia: +2 Mana per Auto
- Julia: +30% CritMul
- Ludwig: +20% HPMax
- Patience: +30 DamaRes
- Will: +30 MagiRes
- Yuma: +30% CritChance
- Monk rework: Monks gain bonus %HPMax.
- 2) 25%
- 4) 45%
- 6) 75%
- Warlock
- Now grants Voracity (healing based on damage dealt) instead of healing based on damage dealt only by Ability.
- Warrior rework: Warriors grant all allies bonus %Dama.
- 2) 35% dama for warriors, 10% for other allies
- 4) 50% dama for warriors, 15% for other allies
- 6) 80% dama for warriors, 25% for other allies
- 8) 125% dama for warriors, 45% for other allies
- Alexander
- Mana: 60/120 >>> 40/100
- Ability now takes 2 seconds to finish.
- Ability initial spears: 3 >>> 3/4/5/8/15
- Ability damage: 5/10/15/20/25 + 80/85/90/95/100 %Dama >>> 10/20/40/80/150 + 100/110/120/150/250 %Dama
- Ample
- Ability number of richochet: 2/2/3/3/4 >>> 3
- Ability richochet damage: 30/35/40/45/50 %Dama >>> 5/10/15/25/35 + 20 %Dama
- Charity
- HPMax: 650 >>> 550
- DamaRes and MagiRes: 40 >>> 30
- AutoRange: 1 >>> 3
- Mana: 0/80 >>> 0/70
- Ability healing: 80/120/160/250/350 >>> 100/140/180/240/320
- Diligence
- Ability damage: 250/330/410/490/570 >>> 200/280/360/460/570
- Freyja
- Ability Shield: 50/75/100/125/150 >>> 150/220/300/420/600
- Ability Shield duration: 2 >>> 4 seconds
- Gatling
- Ability AutoSpeed: 5/6.5/8/9.5/11 >>> 5/6.5/8/11/16
- Glint
- Ability DamaRes and MagiRes: 25/35/45/55/65 >>> 40/45/50/60/75
- Ability damage: 40/65/90/115/140 + 170/180/190/200/210 %Dama >>> 230/235/240/245/250 %Dama
- Grace
- Ability damage: 30/45/60/75/90 + 100/110/120/130/140 %Dama >>> 30/40/50/65/85 + 100 %Dama
- Humility
- 40/60/80/100/120 + 110/140/170/200/230 %Dama >>> 40/60/80/100/120 + 110/115/120/125/140 %Dama
- Igna
- Ability damage: 60/120/180/240/300 >>> 60/120/200/350/600
- Input
- Ability Shield: 50/55/60/65/70 %HPMax >>> 70/100/130/160/190 + 40 %HPMax
- Julia
- Mana: 60/80 >>> 40/80
- Ability AutoSpeed: 45/55/65/75/85% >>> 55/65/75/85/100%
- Kindness
- Mana: 40/70 >>> 40/60
- Ability damage: 50/75/100/125/150 >>> 80/105/130/155/180
- Lapid
- Ability damage: 50% DamaRes + 160/180/200/220/240 %Dama >>> 50/60/80/130/220% DamaRes + 160/180/200/300/500 %Dama
- Ability stun duration: 1/1.75/3/5/8 >>> 1.5/2/2.5/5/8 seconds
- Ludwig
- Ability healing: 35/35/40/40/50% >>> 50%
- Luna
- Ability damage: 310/410/510/610/710 >>> 310/420/530/660/800
- Mimi
- Mana: 0/60 >>> 0/40
- Morse
- Ability damage: 100/130/160/190/220 >> 100/130/160/200/250
- Ability damage increase: 16/24/32/40/48 >>> 16/24/32/42/54
- Olivia
- Ability number of arrows: 2/2/3/3/4 >>> 3/3/3/4/5
- Ability damage: 40/70/100/130/200 + 270/280/290/300/320 %Dama >>> 60/80/100/140/200 + 160/175/190/215/260 %Dama
- Projectile Speed Increased
- Palla
- HPMax: 600 >>> 500
- DamaRes and MagiRes: 25 >>> 20
- AutoRange: 3 >>> 4
- Ability damage: 210/280/350/420/490 >>> 210/280/350/440/550
- Patience
- Mana: 80/120 >>> 20/60
- Perdita
- Ability damage: 70/120/200/300/420 >>> 120/150/180/230/300
- Ability stun duration: 1.5/2.25/3/3.75/4.5 >>> 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5
- Rena
- Ability damage: 50/80/110/140/170 >>> 50/80/110/145/190
- Risio
- Ability healing: 20% >>> 30% missing HP
- Ability revive: 40% HP >>> 30% HP
- Temperance
- Ability HPMax: 65/100/135/170/205 >>> 65/110/155/220/320
- Tesla
- Ability Shield: 150/230/310/390/470 >>> 220/270/320/380/450
- Ability damage: 10% >>> 8% HPMax
- Thor
- Ability damage: 160/225/290/335/400 >>> 160/225/290/355/420
- Tyr
- Ability Dama gain: 1/3/5/7/9 flat >>> 2/4/6/8/10%
- Ability Tyr gains 50% Dama >>> Tyr deals 150% damage
- Ability semicircle cleave: 35% >> 35/40/45/50/55%
- Vastador
- Mana: 40/120 >>> 70/120
- Ability now targets largest group of enemies.
- Ability damage: 260/340/420/500/580 >>> 215/305/395/525/700
- Wrath
- Ability number of waves: 3/4/5/6/7 >>> 4/5/6/8/14
- Ability damage: 10 + 100% Dama >>> 10/20/30/55/100 + 100/100/100/140/200% Dama
- Ability DamaRes reduction: 50/50/50/70/100% >>> 50/50/50/60/70%
- Wukong
- Is now untargetable for 1 second during Ability dash.
- Ability AutoSpeed: 50/75/100/125/150% >>> 50/75/100/150/250%
- Ability CritChance: 20% >>> 20/40/60/80%
- Yuma
- Ability damage: 15/40/65/90/115 + 190/200/20/220/230 %Dama >>> 60/80/100/130/170 + 200/200/200/210/220 %Dama
- Palla third cast no longer can target current target twice.
- Fixed a bug that causes the game to freeze when Perdita is in play.
- Fixed a bug that causes units that target current target to lose their Ability if their target dies before the Ability comes out.
- Risio no longer revives with less health than intended.
Tartaros Risen
How many rounds can you win?
Status | In development |
Author | Kuro |
Genre | Strategy |
Tags | Pixel Art, Roguelike, Singleplayer |
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