Patch 0.1f

Damagh Graph

- Show level of unit in damage graph

- Damage graph should not go away between rounds 

- Damage graph bars now scaled based on highest total damage dealt for the current round

- Damage graph bars now sort based on increasing total damage dealt


- Archer AutoSpeed: 65/120/220 -> 45/100/220


- Alexander Ability execute: 9999 -> current target HP + 1 true damage

- Astatus Ability DamaRes Reduction Duration: 4 -> 5 seconds

- Clara AutoRange: 3 -> 4

- Clara Ability targeting: Farthest -> Current target

- Glint Ability: Now grants himself 25/35/45/55/65 DamaRes and MagiRes for 4 seconds

- Glint Ability speed increased

- Igna can Auto and move while casting

- Luna Ability targets when she fires instead of when she casts

- Luna Ability projectile speed increased

- Myrac AutoRange: 2 -> 4

- Myrac max Mana: 0/80 -> 0/40

- Myrac's Ability HPMax burn: 8/7/6/5/4 -> 6%

- Myrac's Ability targeting: Random -> Highest current %HP ally

- Nebula AutoRange: 4 -> 5

- Olivia AutoRange: 4 -> 5

- Perdita max Mana: 0/50 -> 0/40

- Rena Ability Duration: 5 -> 4 seconds

- Rena max Mana: 0/40 -> 0/20

- Rena Ability text change to damage per second instead of damage over 4 seconds.

- Rena Ability Damage: 240/380/520/700/900 -> 200/320/440/560/680 (50/80/110/140/170 DPS)

- Temperance Innate HPMax bonus: 100/150/270/500/800 -> 65/100/135/170/205

- Temperance Ability Duration: 1/2/3/5/8 -> 1/1.75/2.5/3.25/4 seconds

- Temperance Ability no longer grants MagiRes

- Yuma Ability: Now deals 50% more damage against isolated enemies 

Quality of Life

- Added quick restart button

- Changed font used in descriptions to help with readability

- CritMul now shows 150% instead of 150


- All units cast delay: Auto Cooldown -> .5 seconds

- All unit right click hitbox fixed

- All unit projectiles' rotations now follow their target

- Fixed bug where if the Unit that applies a bonus to an ally dies before the duration is up, the bonus becomes permanent

- Certain unit's Ability no longer default to tile 0 as target 

- Ample ricochet projectile speed is now consistent

- Humility's Ability description fixed: "Humility behind her current target" -> "Humility dashes behind her current target"

- Humility no longer freezes in place when her target dies before she spins

- Rena's Ability no longer goes away when she dies

- Rena's Ability now correctly targets randomly instead of current target

- Myrac's Ability no longer does only 1/5 of its damage to allies

- Myrac's Ability no longer goes away when he dies

- Risio is now Invulnerable while reviving

Files Play in browser
Nov 12, 2022

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